Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lean on me

"An extraordinary situation calls for an extraordinary solution." this quotation is suitable to describe the whole story. Lean On Me is based on a true story of a principal in a New Jersey high school, Eastside High. The Principal, Joe Clark, is hired in 1983 to run one of the worst schools in this state. His mission is to turn this crime, drug, and graffiti infested school around completely in one year’s time. Clark must bring order and peace to this school and must also bring up the learning level of the students so they can pass the state’s minimum basic skills test. As a teacher to be, this story is useful to help us on class management and how to control the students.

Moreover, as Tesl students, we need to know others culture so that we can understand about their culture and we can teach local students about it. The story is full of moral values that we can follow for example, we must respect elders and our teacher. As conclusion, this story is very interesting to see and really help us all in improving our manner and perhaps we can use the methods of teaching in the movie to the real life.

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